Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We came. We sold. We drunkard.

The Great American Beer Fest gave us a lot of firsts this year.

1. We met Norm.
George Wendt stopped by the booth to get a couple snap shots with the ladies. Pics from the entire event will be posted here soon: GABF Tour Pics

2. Brandon got a black eye.
Here's the moral of the story: When a customer bends down to tie his shoe, don't stick your head over the side of the booth to see what's happening. Once you do, POW! Right in the eye socket. And the next day you have a black eye.

3. We blew over the limit.
This one isn't really a surprise considering where we were and what we were doing. But it was interesting to have a gal with a breathalizer stop by. See if you can guess who blew what...

4. I got a birthday hat.
Lisa made a wonderful crown that somehow kept me from puking ... or maybe it was the late night burrito at Illegal Pete's. Either way, the crown was bitch. Even the dude in the restroom line loved it (and he was wearing Beer Gloves). That's pretty bitch too.

5. Nothing got stolen (well... at least nothing of value)
I can honestly say that this was one of the most relaxed Beer Fests even though there was more ground to cover, more breweries and more people than ever before. In years past, we've had to chase down multiple glove thieves, and two years ago someone actually walked off with the mannequin. Right before our very eyes, she was gone in a flash. Brando recovered her shirtless corpse outside the festival from an unsuspecting passerby. The shirt was gone, but at least our booth display would live to see another day.

6. We introduced the "Beat It" list.
The idea that there are actually Official Beer Glove haters out there is as surprising to me as it is to you, but for some reason they show up at the GABF just to let us know how stupid our idea is. We used to just eschew them away. But now they've got a new name. They're the MJs, and their presence on the "Beat It" list is a testament to the fact that there are people in this world who will go out of their way to share an opinion that you have absolutely no care to hear. (More on the "Beat It" list to come...)

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